8.USA :
In a country where youth and beauty are held in high esteem, it comes as no shock that the United States tops the list of the world’s most beauty-obsessed destinations. With an exceedingly narrow perspective on physical attractiveness, it’s no wonder that the nation also struggles with a collective fear of being overweight, earning it the title of one of the most fat-phobic places globally. This obsession with adhering to a specific standard of beauty has dramatically impacted the cosmetic industry; over the past decade, there has been an incredible 446% surge in both surgical and non-surgical procedures. This fixation on achieving physical perfection is further fueled by the relentless marketing strategies employed by various businesses in the US, creating a unique environment where the pursuit of beauty is of utmost importance.
7.Mexico :
Mexico’s vibrant culture of beauty pageants is strikingly similar to that of Colombia, where women and girls are admired for their breathtaking looks and are essentially expected to maintain flawless appearances at all times. This fascinating obsession with beauty extends beyond pageants and has turned the country into a go-to destination for affordable aesthetic procedures. In recent years, several people, notably from the United States, have flocked to Mexico, seeking a diverse array of surgical enhancements that cater to their beauty needs. This industry experienced a staggering 580,000 procedures in 2019 alone, with liposuction emerging as the most sought-after treatment as of 2022. Mexico’s ability to merge its culturally ingrained love for beauty with affordable and quality aesthetic procedures has undeniably contributed to its growing popularity as a hub for all things beauty-related.