
The 10 most beauty-obsessed countries in the world

4. Colombia :

From the tender years of adolescence, Colombian teenage girls find themselves immersed in a culture that places a great emphasis on maintaining a slender body type. This ingrained societal expectation has led to a disturbingly high rate of eating disorders among young Colombian girls, as they strive to achieve an unrealistic standard of beauty. Shockingly, it has become a customary practice for many of these girls to undergo plastic surgery on their ceremonious quinceañeras. As they celebrate their 15th birthday, they are not only gifted with a traditional coming-of-age celebration but also an alteration to their physical appearance. This practice only serves to further perpetuate the beauty standards imposed on young Colombian girls, as they begin entering the world of beauty pageants at around this age. The message is clear: their natural beauty is not enough, and the widespread adoption of such customs speaks to the alarming influence that societal expectations can have on impressionable young minds.

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3. Italy :

In the realm of aesthetic perfection, Italy undeniably wears the crown, as its devotion to beauty extends beyond mere vanity, pervading deep into every aspect of its culture. The predilection for Botox and liposuction among Italians speaks to their fierce adherence to presenting a flawless facade, whether through fashion, immaculate grooming, or the skilled art of cosmetic enhancement. Living in a nation famous for its breathtaking architecture, beguiling landscape, and otherworldly elegance, Italians recognize the importance of maintaining their own impeccable appearances. Perhaps it is this intrinsic dedication to beauty that propels Italy to be one of the most captivating countries in the world – a place where the pursuit of true magnificence is not only an expectation but an inherent way of life.

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